Privacy policy

Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy applies to the website as it is operated by Alde International Sweden AB.

1. Collection and Use of Data

On our websites and apps we collect personal data only if this is required for the purpose defined by you and/or if you provide us with such data on consent. Personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.

1.1 Usage data

When visiting our websites we collect usage data (for example, which browser is used, access times, visited product site etc.) which we are evaluating for statistical purposes, for optimizing our offer and for guaranteeing system security.

1.2 Website

If you visit our website we will collect personal data, in particular, for the purpose of contacting you at your request, processing online applications, mobile customer service requests or sending you the Newsletter. The data will only be used for the purposes disclosed. To help operate our website, we work with Humble Guys AB and Klevland Reklambyrå AB which can access personal data as part of their services.

1.3 Dealer and OEM Portal

If you intend to use our Dealer and OEM Portal, you have to register for this purpose. In doing so, we will collect the following data about you. Please note that there are mandatory fields which have to be completed in order to process your request. They are marked with an asterisk. If you also make entries in the other fields, then they will be used for statistical purposes and for the improvement of our offer.

  • Customer number
  • Name of company
  • Addition to name of company (optional)
  • Title
  • First and last name
  • Address
  • Language
  • E-mail address
  • Phone (optional)

We collect the data for the purpose of processing orders and delivering products. Products will be delivered by an external service provider. As a registered dealer and OEM, you may also generate your own forms and, for example, change your address data in the portal.

We will use the data collected for the purpose of processing your order and delivering the products.

2. Use, Storage and Deletion of Cookies

Cookies are small text files which are stored on your end device. The purpose of these cookies is to control the Internet connection during your visit to our websites. We store the data collected by cookies separately from other files. We process such data exclusively for statistical purposes, for guaranteeing system security and for technical improvement. At the same time, these cookies enable us to optimize our offer in accordance with your needs. We will exclusively use session cookies. They remain on you terminal device only until you close your web browser. Thereafter, they will be deleted automatically. By changing the settings for your web browser, you may prevent the cookies from being saved on your end device.

3. Data Security

We protect your personal data against any risks connected with data processing, in particular, against unauthorised access, use or publication. For this purpose, we implement appropriate technical and organisational measures incorporating the latest technical advances. The data collected and obtained from you in a standard form on HTML-pages will be transferred in encrypted form (SSL – Secure Socket Layer) from your terminal device to our server.

4. Data Protection Rights

4.1 Rättigheter till skydd av personuppgifter

You are entitled to withdraw your consent given with regard to the processing of your personal data at any time with effect for the future. A withdrawal shall not affect the lawfulness of the processing of data on the basis of your consent until withdrawal of such consent.

4.2 Right of access

You are entitled to obtain information free of charge about the personal data stored. On your request, such information may also be provided by electronic means.

4.3 Rectification, erasure and restriction of data

You are entitled to request the rectification, erasure and restriction of your personal data. However, after erasure or blocking of your personal data, you can no longer use relevant services. Your right to erasure may be excluded by statutory retention requirements.

4.4 Data portability

You have the right that we provide you with data, which we are processing by automatic means and to the use of which you have given your consent, in machine-readable form or transfer such data to other controllers.

4.5 Assertion of rights

You may assert your rights by informal notification to Alde International Sweden AB or by e-mail to

5. Disclosure of Data

Your personal data will not be disclosed unless Alde is legally obliged to such disclosure (e.g. request of an investigating authority) or authorised (e.g. within the scope of contract data processing). A transfer to third countries will only take place insofar as we expressly refer to such transfer and disclosure in this Privacy Policy. Upon disclosure and transfer of data, we will make sure that third parties comply with and observe a reasonable level of protection for personal data.

6. Erasure and Restriction of Data

Your data will be erased to the extent that the processing of your request has been terminated, you have withdrawn your consent to the processing or if the storage of your data is or becomes inadmissible for other legal reasons. Upon erasure or restriction of data, relevant services can no longer be used. If statutory retention requirements apply to your data, the data will instead be barred from any other use.

7. Google

7.1 Google Analytics

On the websites, data will be processed for marketing and optimisation purposes by the Google Analytics service, a web analysis service of Google Inc. (“Google”).

Google Analytics uses cookies, i.e. text files which are stored on your computer and make an analysis of your use of the websites possible. The information on how you use the websites gathered by the cookies, as a rule, will be transferred to and stored on a Google server in the USA. You may prevent that by installing your browser in such a manner that no cookies are stored.

7.2 Google Tag Manager

Our website uses Google Tag Manager. Using this service, website tags can be managed via one interface. Google Tag Manager only implements tags. This means that no cookies are used and no personal data is collected. Google Tag Manager triggers other tags such as Google Analytics which, in turn, may collect data. However, Google Tag Manager does not access this data.

8. YouTube and Vimeo videos

8.1 Integration of YouTube and Vimeo videos

We have integrated YouTube and Vimeo videos on our website which are saved at and and which can be played directly from our website. These are all integrated in “extended data protection mode”, i.e. so that no data about you as the user is transmitted to YouTube or Vimeo if you do not play the videos. Only if you play the videos will the data referred to in 8.2 be transmitted. We have no influence over this data transfer.

9. Google maps

9.1 Integration of Google Maps

We use Google Maps on our website. This means that we can show you interactive maps directly on the website and it allows you to use the map function at your convenience.

10. Användning av Facebook-pixel, Facebook Custom Audiences och Facebook Conversion

Because of our legitimate interests in the analysis, optimisation and economic operation of our website, the “Facebook pixel” by social network Facebook, which is operated by Facebook Inc., 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA or, if you are resident in the EU, by Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland (“Facebook”) is used for these purposes on our website.

Facebook is certified under the Privacy Shield Agreement and thus guarantees to comply with European data protection law.

The Facebook pixel allows Facebook to identify visitors to our website as a target group for particular Facebook ads. Accordingly, we use the Facebook pixel to display Facebook ads placed by us only to Facebook users who have also shown an interest in our website or who display certain characteristics (e.g., interests in certain topics or products determined by the websites visited), which we submit to Facebook ( “custom audiences”). With the help of the Facebook pixel, we also want to ensure that our Facebook ads match users’ potential interests and are not annoying. The Facebook pixel additionally enables us to track the effectiveness of Facebook ads for statistical and market research purposes by seeing if users were directed to our website after clicking on a Facebook ad ( “conversion”).

The Facebook pixel is embedded by Facebook when you visit our website and can store a “cookie”, i.e. a small file, on your device. Your IP address is anonymised as soon as it is collected by the plug-in provider (Facebook). If you subsequently log in to Facebook or visit Facebook when logged in, the visit to our website will be noted in your profile. The data collected about you is anonymous to us and does not provide us with any information about the identity of the user. However, the data is stored and processed by Facebook so that a connection to the respective user profile can be made and used by Facebook as well as for our own market research and advertising purposes. We have no influence on the collected data and data processing operations, and are also unaware of the full scope of data collection, the purposes of processing and the storage periods. We are also not given any information about the deletion of the data collected by the plug-in provider.

If we transmit data to Facebook for comparison purposes, this data is encrypted locally in the browser and only then sent to Facebook via a secure https connection. This is done solely for the purpose of comparing it with the data similarly encrypted by Facebook.

You have the option of deactivating the collection of data for the purpose of personalised advertising. A cookie that permanently prevents the collection of data is then created, unless you deliberately delete this cookie in your browser or do so by using the “Delete all cookies” function. You may opt out of the collection of data again at any time. To set the cookie, please click here.

Facebook processes the data in accordance with the Facebook data usage policy. For general information about the displaying of Facebook ads, see Facebook’s data usage policy: For in-depth information and details about the Facebook pixel and how it works, visit the Facebook Help section:

You may opt out of Facebook pixel data collection and the use of your information to display Facebook ads. To set what types of ads you are shown on Facebook, you can go to the relevant Facebook page and follow the instructions there about the settings for usage-based ads: The settings are platform-independent, i.e. they are adopted for all devices, such as desktop computers or mobile devices.

You may also opt out of the use of cookies that measure reach and serve advertising purposes via the Network Advertising Initiative opt-out page as well as via the US website or the European website

11. Prize Competition

If you take part in a prize competition, we process the personal data provided by you for the conduct and performance of the prize competition. We will pass this data on to the company within the Alde International Sweden AB that organises the competition.

In the event of a win, Alde International Sweden AB responsible for the event will contact you personally to settle the winnings. In the case of a Facebook competition, we may publish your profile name.

The personal data of the participant will be processed by the company within the Alde International Sweden AB organising the event for the conduct and performance of the competition as well as by Alde International Sweden AB. for statistical purposes. The personal data stored will be erased if such data is no longer required for the performance of the prize competition or if the storage of such data is or becomes inadmissible for other legal reasons.

12. Controller

Alde International Systems AB
Wrangels Allé 90
291 75 Färlöv

Telefon: +46 (0)44 71270